It’s never a lost cause
After 18 months of pain and many hours (and pennies) spent at osteopathy and physiotherapy appointments, it began to look like the tennis elbow and rotator cuff damage I had somehow inflicted on myself would be something I just had to live with. Actually, that was not strictly true, I was given the option, by an exceptionally good MSK consultant, of surgery. Having experienced general anaesthetic numerous times in the past, it was never going to be my preferred option, but I wasn’t in the privileged position of being choosy. To top it off, there were no guarantees of 100 per cent success.
But, as that cloud sat over my head, a less invasive option was suggested by Head Coach, Nick, in the form of an S&C rehab programme. Cue Shaun Egan!
As many of you will know, Shaun joined TTFC as a fitness instructor and S&C specialist. There’s not much Shaun doesn’t know about building strength into the body. After an introduction via Zoom (yep, it was way back in lockdown), we commenced a slow but steady rehabilitation programme. The early weeks felt painfully slow, but bit by bit, the pain eased. With the increased strength in my arm, the mobility returned and within a few months I was completely pain free and feeling stronger than ever. More incredibly, I was able to pick up a racket again and head back to court.
Surgery avoided, upper body strength improved, and injury prevention lessons learned! I still spend one hour each week with Shaun and can honestly say, it’s time so well spent. So, if you’re facing what feels like an endless road to recovery, it’s worth a chat with Shaun to see if there are options to help you along the way. Better still, book in now and prevent the injury in the first place!
Thanks to Nick, Shaun and the team for all the support and encouragement to keep going.