On Friday we were excited to watch some new art work take shape in the main corridor. We have already had some fantastic comments from members about how much brighter the hallway feels and how it looks natural as part of the friendly club atmosphere! Come on down to check it out, and have your say about who you think …
Open Day success
The Open Day on 1st July proved to be an entertaining day all round… A little slow to get started due to the poor weather conditions, people started arriving from 11 o clock to give tennis a try and get involved in the various activities taking place. We had over 50 new young people try tennis, with lots of parents …
Privacy and Cookies
What are cookies? Cookies are small files that get put on your computer by websites as you surf them. These cookies can store lots of information which can have privacy implications. We like to think all the cookies used on this site are fairly innocuous but that’s for you to judge. We also make use of temporary €œSession Cookies€ to …
National Accolade for Thongsbridge Coach
Thongsbridge coach, Georgina Jackson,whose main focus is developing the Mini Tennis programme at the club, has received national recognition for her tremendous energy, enthusiasm and talent, having been named LTA Coach of the Month. Georgina has helped Thongsbridge Tennis Club achieve 157 regularly competing juniors including 96 Mini Tennis players. Part of this success has been down to her efforts …
New Lease of Life for Old Pavilion as Multimedia Study Centre
A complete make-over of the Old Pavilion has given the building a new lease of life as the relaunched Topspin Study Centre at Thongsbridge Tennis Club