As the eighth annual Thongsbridge Open got underway, there was much excitement and anticipation, with many of the club’s young stars showing superb form over the winter season. As always, this prestigious event attracted talent from the length and breadth of the country, with the club giving a warm welcome to the 356 entrants. There were an impressive 38 players …
County Recognises Local Talent
As the year draws to an end, the Yorkshire Lawn Tennis Association held its annual awards night, recognising the achievements of both seniors and juniors across the County in the last 12 months. Trophies were awarded to the County Champions, following their success in the County closed event in September, and it was great to see Thongsbridge winners at both …
A Taste of Top Tennis For Thongsbridge’s Top Talents
Thongsbridge’s Head Coach, Nick Fitzpatrick, treated some of the club’s most dedicated juniors to tough but exciting training weekend away at the UKs finest training facility, the National Tennis Centre, at Roehampton in London. Daniel Sinclair, himself a high quality player and coach at the club, and Danny Sykes, the newest addition to the coaching team, ably assisted Nick, when …