Club nights (Social Tennis) to start 6:00pm Wednesday and Thursday During June, we would appreciate your feedback on the social tennis trial and also in getting more members playing more of the time. Social Tennis is FREE to members. Thursday Beginners Social 6pm -7pm onwards with Alistaire starting June 12th. Beginners on court 6 with a coach for the 1st …
Open Day – Thongsbridge Tennis Club
The club is participating in the Great British Tennis Event on Sunday 20th July 2014 The aim of this event is to open our doors to new potential tennis club members.
Huddersfield (HADTL) Ladies Tennis League – Lisa Edgar
Our Capitanos: Past and Present Our season started in eanest on Monday April 28th but lots had taken place before then, starting with choosing our 6 new captains (brave souls): Georgina, Kay, Fran, Michelle/Louisa (never to be separated!), Amanda and the inimitable Debbie.