Sports Camp Dates:

Camp days are Monday 17th February 
to Friday 21st February 2025

Morning sessions 9am – 12 noon @ £15
All day sessions 9am – 3pm £22
Tag on hot or cold lunch 12pm – 1pm @ £5.50

Need to get to work?

Drop your kids off between 8.30am-9am for FREE!


Lunch options

MONDAY Chicken Goujons & Fries, Tomato Pasta or Lunchbox
TUESDAY  Fishfingers & Fries, Margherita Pizza & Fries or Lunchbox
WEDNESDAY Pepperoni Pizza & Fries, Jacket Potato with Beans or Cheese or Lunchbox
THURSDAY  Hot Dog & Fries, Mac & Cheese with Garlic Bread or Lunchbox
FRIDAY  Pasta Bolognese with Cheese, Cheese Toastie & Fries or Lunchbox

All hot meals are served with either a cupcake, fresh fruit or a fruit yoghurt

Lunchbox option Choose 5 options
Brown or White sandwich – with a choice of Ham, Jam, Tuna Mayo or Cheddar Cheese
Babybel, Breadsticks, Hummus, Cucumber Sticks, Cherry Tomatoes, Fresh Fruit, Fruit Yoghurt, Cupcake, Triangle of Crispie Crunch

Multi-Sports with Specialist Trained Coaches

Tennis, Football, Basketball, Rounders, Cricket, Capture the Flag and Fun Games

Non-Members Welcome

For more information please contact reception on
01484 687160

Sessions are available to children aged 4 upwards.

Book Your Place:

Call 01484 687160 now or use the button at the top of the page to book your place online
Please note a password confirmation is required by anyone collecting your child/children.

A registration form must be signed and completed on booking.

All coaches and assistants aged 16 and above have DBS and safeguarding training.

How to book online

Click on the button at the top of the page
Go to login, use your ID and password or register if your child is not a member
Select the date you want at the top
Click on the sports session you want, morning or all day, you can add lunch too.
Click on “to booking” which takes you to add to basket, you can now add another item such as lunch or go to another date by “continue shopping”.
If you continue shopping, go to the “menu” at the very top of the page on the right hand side and click on the
“Holiday Sports Camps” in the drop down list

When you have completed your shopping, go to your basket to make your payment.