Blast from the Past Believe it or not this is what the clubhouse looked like in 1924! Don’t they look smart in their shirt, ties and jackets and the ladies in their hats!
Directors Area Of Responsibility
Directors Area Of Responsibility Financial Management Dan Pollick (Bernard Dady) HR and Personnel Bron Sanders Chairperson from 1.6.14 Gym/Fitness Christine Carmichael Adult Tennis Steve Harvey-Franklin (Nadeem Butt)
Holding the Fort by Debbie & Debra
Multi Tasking at its best can only describe our front of house team: We have Ami and Debbie who look after Reception, Debs and Tom quenching our thirst at the bar and Ashlee and Simone looking after our tummies in the kitchen.
A View from the Chair
As this newsletter reaches you I will be coming to the end of my term as Chairman of the tennis club, a role that I have held for nearly three years. It has been a pleasure putting something back into the Club that I joined back in 1990. How Thongsbridge has changed in that time!